Sheep Thumbs

I wrote this for someone else, but I figured I might was well post it here.

Four rhymes with eight,
Five rhymes with two,
Seven with nineteen,
and one rhymes with you.

For you are one person,
in an ocean of ham,
surrounded by giants,
who really like lamb.

If you didn’t grasp it,
that’s entirely okay,
but you’re an infantile ovine
in the pork-filled bay.

Things, as they are,
are looking rather bleak:
not being found
are the exits you seek.

How’er hope springs eternal,
and you persevere,
less out of the ‘foresaid,
than just out of fear.

Suddenly, rapidly, light from above,
and the cosine of zero descends (like a dove).
This being one, and that being you,
I can’t blame you for being confu-

-sed (that may have been cheating),
but your double saves you from an eating.
With doppelganger-ish magic abounding,
you think only of your reprieve from a pounding.

In retrospect, that may have been dumb,
for your erstwhile twin had removed twice your thumb.
With said digits he had absconded,
leaving you to a stalactite bonded.

While pleasanter than your previous plight,
you must admit, despite your small flight,
there remained one minor problem
the ravenous giants were about to gobble ’em.

(I know, I know, that was kind of a stretch,
but doesn’t my meter already make you retch?)
Deciding forthwith to sever your losses,
you left the pit to avoid the pit bosses.

Or, at least, this was done in your head,
in reality, future you looked quite dead.
Your plasma splattered out, and the rocks blood-red,
and your body quite failing, or so you had read.

But since I’m not Edgar Allen Poe,
this story has a happy ending, you know.
And instead of you back together to sew,
the unfriendly giants were laid out as so.

Some rescuers came, and they did not tarry,
except when they took the Number Five ferry.
With the aid of Gandalf, Batman, and Queen Mary,
you were unglued, made off, and made off, and made merry.

This now is why, though little you care,
sheep have no thumbs, and so do not dare,
to stand upon mountains, and thus be there,
because no number five phalange is said to be their(s).

There’s a good reason the rhymes get stranger in the last four stanzas. Look at them carefully.

On Free Will

“Siddhartha is a strange man, and he expresses strange thoughts. His ideas seem crazy.” -Siddhartha, Herman Hesse, 1922

Just a brief thought here. This is, as far as I know, OC to me. In proof of the existence of free will:

If, as is the primary argument of non-religious mechanism, all actions are inevitable, just events set in course by physics, then it is plausible to assume that at some point in human advancement (assuming we don’t kill each other to death in some way), we will create a device or algorithm capable of predicting all future events, by analyzing past ones, and solving the open-system problem. At which point, obviously, we would actually have proven free will, given that any person who sees that they are determined to one particular action by this device could simply choose to set themselves on a path towards the noncompletion of this event, disproving the mechanistic prediction.

Of course, this still leaves theistic mechanism intact. God’s actions can’t be predicted by a machine. (Noting that God is still not deterministic, making free will existent regardless, just not for us) But that’s metaphysics, so I’m going to leave it alone.

TL;DR: Free will exists because humans are stubborn and oppositional.


(In tradition of arrogance and slightly unnecessary obtuseness, that’s “I rise” in Latin)

Well, I’m back, a most likely happier and more balanced, as well as less pretentious, person, committed to not using so many parentheses and just in general being more readable. In the intervening months since I’ve logged on, not much has actually happened, except that I’m slightly tanner and am writing this on a new laptop. I’m still occasionally bat-shit insane, but the incidences are decreasing, so I’m going to give this another shot.

I wouldn’t really say I found myself in the intervening time, because people who say that are generally trying to give excuses for long periods of time doing nothing productive (e. g. this guy) and they had themselves all along, they just didn’t like what they were looking at, and wanted to pretend it wasn’t actually them.

Also (very late) shout-out to Kenneth Jobe for giving me a mention. (In December 2013).

Also new actual post over here.