
(In tradition of arrogance and slightly unnecessary obtuseness, that’s “I rise” in Latin)

Well, I’m back, a most likely happier and more balanced, as well as less pretentious, person, committed to not using so many parentheses and just in general being more readable. In the intervening months since I’ve logged on, not much has actually happened, except that I’m slightly tanner and am writing this on a new laptop. I’m still occasionally bat-shit insane, but the incidences are decreasing, so I’m going to give this another shot.

I wouldn’t really say I found myself in the intervening time, because people who say that are generally trying to give excuses for long periods of time doing nothing productive (e. g. this guy) and they had themselves all along, they just didn’t like what they were looking at, and wanted to pretend it wasn’t actually them.

Also (very late) shout-out to Kenneth Jobe for giving me a mention. (In December 2013).

Also new actual post over here.

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